Tantric Companionship

Imagine having a woman who can really hold you. Who can meet you in your intellect, humor, maturity, and deviant wild passion. Imagine having someone to call when life feels too stressful and monotonous and you need an adventure. Someone who knows you. Who wants you. And who sincerely wants the best for you.

I’m that woman.

I want to get to know you, deeply. To offer a sacred space outside your your life and the people who know you. A space where you can really be yourself, and even get experimental.Whether I’m your secret muse who inspires you to lead in your work or your healing angel who melts the stress away (or both) - I am genuinely honored to spend a slice of life with you.

I don’t see many clients and I prioritize cultivating genuine relationships. If you’re looking for something more meaningful and engaged… I’m your woman.

Tantra and Conscious Sexuality

“Tantric thought is that the human body is visualized as a microcosm of the universe. It is believed that the complete drama of the universe is repeated in this very body. The whole body with its biological and psychological processes becomes an instrument through which the cosmic power reveals itself.”*

In the Tantric worldview, all matter is sacred. There is no heaven and hell- it’s all right here. Tantric practices help us tune our bodies to utilize the underlying forces of nature and connect with the current of life that flows through us. It may seem heady or out there - but the practices are usually quite simple. Breath, sound, movement, attention, and union. It is both a philosophical path as well healing modality.

Tantra is inherently healing, restoring, and invigorating because it taps into an infinite well of energy. For most of us, there are many blockages in the way to allowing this fountain of vitality to flow. When you feel guilty for not meeting an external standard, shameful for who you truly are - or confusion to who you are for that matter, numbness, excess anxiety and fear, scarcity, depression, and persistent busyness (among many other tragically common symptoms) - you are blocked from receiving the abundant energy, inspiration, vitality, and passion that is your birthright. Experiencing Tantra is the epitome of self-care, offering the ultimate rejuvenation and nourishment for your mind, body, and soul.

Outside of the mystical and ancient Tantric practices lies Neo-Tantra or what I like to call, conscious sexuality. I weave ancient Tantric philosophy with current-times sexual education (see education tab) to empower you to connect to the transcendent in simple and accessible ways. Let’s enter the realm of “making love to you is like making love to God”

Ceremonial Psychedelic Tantra

The deepest Journey… Ask me about it :)

*Stanford University (2000, September 1). Tantra: The Art of Philosophy. Stanford EDU The History of Tantra. Retrieved August 10, 2023, from https://web.stanford.edu/class/history11sc/pdfs/yantra.pdf

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Feel deeply seen and nurtured by a feminine woman.