
I’m someone who genuinely cares about humans. I’m someone who is insatiably curious about life. I’m the type of friend who will help you move and will take you on a trip after your breakup. I’m devoted to my family and my community. I’m in love with this planet and attempt to live more in harmony with it. I’m a voracious reader and I love dripping canvases with paint. I love playing with my little puppy, going on hikes near my mountain home, hosting dinner parties, singing with friends, and curating parties. I worked for years in the feature film industry and had a life as a Montessori preschool teacher. I’ve lived all over the globe and packed a lot of courageous living into my relatively short life. Most of all, I love love.

Of course I love all the hedonistic luxuries of life - it is part of how I navigate through the world. I love beauty - a voluptuous garden, a meticulously designed space, ancient crumbling architecture, sword cut sashimi, the curves on a woman’s body… Honoring beauty is part of my Tantric philosophy of honoring nature. As I mature, though, I ask myself more and more “how can I be of service?” This is what drives me. And what leads me here to you.

P.S. I have symmetrical botanical tattoos (think ancient Greece) on my upper forearms and shins. I have edited them out of my photos.


Still Curious?

Many people ask me how I got into this line of work. I’m going to describe my journey at length - but for those who want the TDLR version: in my decade long quest of human psychology and transformational practices, I have found sexuality and relational work to be the most potent avenue to create life fulfillment.

I’m here as a stop along my journey in better understanding people and what it means to live this life to the fullest. Growing up, I was always so curious about why people were the way they were. I embarked on a quest to find answers to life’s big questions. “Why am I here?” “Who am I really?” and my personal favorite “What are the secrets to the universe?” 😝 Those questions brought me to my first Tantric Vedantic ashram where I spent months learning how to quiet my mind and consciously direct my energy. The Tantric philosophy has little to do with sex, and more to do with honoring the matter of our bodies and earth. From there I studied under masters and in group retreats for years - a persuit that took me all over the globe, into remote indigenous communities, acclaimed universities, and esoteric spiritual groups.

The crazy thing is - I did get some answers to those ineffable questions. Indigenous communities reminded me why I am here. What my humble place really is in this life. How to live with nature not in or on it. Tantric and Neo-Tantric communities taught me some of these “secrets of the universe” I chased after. I learned how to achieve and maintain peak states, how to release shame and guilt, and how to claim my desires and authentically enroll people in making them happen. I wanted to be happy, to know myself, to be grounded and with a sense of peace no matter what was happening around me. I wanted to contribute meaningfully to those around me.

As I lived a little more life the questions became “why are people so hurt?” and “what can I do to help?” and how can I take these spiritual practices and revelations back into the “real world?” I received my BA in Psychology with a focus on the neuroscience that described all the consciousness and relational work I had been doing from another angle. Understanding and using biology to short-cut lasting change (Biohacking) provided me another one of those “secrets of the universe” I was looking for. By understanding our neurobiology humans can in fact choose their thoughts which truly create the reality in which they live in. By knowing hormones people can understand more about their feelings and how to allow them to be cherished experiences in life - not forces that subconsciously rule them.

I have studied classical tantra, neo tantra, bodywork, intimacy and relational tools, shamanic BDSM, conscious kink, mindfulness, embodiment somatics, authentic relating, conscious communication, attachment theory, internal family systems, and integrated nervous system support. I am always investing in my education and gifts and continually evolve my offerings. I have a deep calling to be here with you on this journey.