Intimacy Coaching

Imagine feeling effortlessly confident making love with women. Knowing an intimacy framework that makes all those awkward questions sexy. Imagine being genuinely attractive no matter what your body looks like. Feeling your heart open again. Having the ability to toggle between soft and light and primal and wild. To navigate consent with ease and hold your power dynamic fully. Imagine being able to surrender and receive and also own and take.

When you walk in a room, we feel it. We feel our eyes lock on to yours and we don’t know why - yet. Our mouths fill with wetness and our jaws hang a little looser. We’re enticed and surrendered…

Sex is a skill. Full stop. Rhythm will only get you so far. The most amazing lovers are ones who are acutely attuned to their own body and their partners. They can sense subtle energies and derive immense pleasure from the littlest things. They communicate boldly, clearly, and with a poetic drip. Their excitement and embracement of their desires is intoxicating to their partners who genuinely want to go there with them.

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I love teaching! Some things we can get into are - power dynamics, communication, role play, kink, primal expression, sensual bodywork, yoni-mapping, feminine seduction, gentleman dating codes, and desire mapping. Learning together is so much fun :)

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Want to feel more confident in your own skin and powerfully make love to a woman?